
Updated “Emergency Response Guidelines for Transport of TDI & MDI”

Updated Guidelines

Emergency Response for Transport of TDI & MDI

The second edition of the “Emergency Response Manual for Transport of TDI and MDI” from October 2003, has been thoroughly reviewed and updated. The latest version includes changes to the Mutual Aid Emergency Response Scheme as agreed between ISOPA’s members companies; it ensures coherence with the Intervention in Chemical Transport Emergencies (ICE) Scheme developed by CEFIC.

The guide is designed to strengthen existing National and Company communications when dealing with TDI and MDI. It also presents a mutual aid scheme whereby ISOPA companies respond as necessary on each other’s behalf; this guarantees expert assistance is available as quickly as possible in the event of transport emergency involving TDI or MDI.

For more information on the Emergency Response Manual, the full document is available here.