
ISOPA Secretary General attends EUROPUR & EURO-MOULDERS’s Technical Conference on PU foam

Today,  ISOPA Secretary General Jörg Palmersheim participated in EUROPUR and EURO-MOULDERS’s Technical Conference on PU foam. The main aim of today’s session was to look at various regulatory, and health and safety issues linked to the polyurethane in various applications. The Conference’s objective was to provide a more practical understanding of the issues and how they are dealt with it. In order to do that EUROPUR and EURO-MOULDERS provided examples of the strategies they have developed and products they offer.

“It is great to see the polyurethane flexible foam industry gathering together and willing to face the challenges including the topic of circular economy. EUROPUR and Euromoulders are two of the most important associations to ISOPA member companies and I am delighted to see the associations prospering,” said Jörg Palmersheim at the end of a fruitful debate between industrial stakeholders.